Make the sustainable choice with BKI
In BKI we are aware of our responsibility, and we are continuously making sustainable improvements throughout our value chain. For the farmer in the field, who depends on coffee for a living, for the environment and for us at our roastery. Initiatives that make it easier for you to make more sustainable choice when it comes to coffee.
Your coffee supplier is SBTi validated: We aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030
BKI foods is the first Danish-owned coffee company to have it's climate goal validated by the global climate organazation Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
This commitment obliges BKI foods to significantly reduce its CO2 emissions over the next seven years, but "we are ready to take on the challenge", says Dorthe Maagaard, Head of Sustainability & Compliance at BKI.
We pack your coffee in bags made of plastic manufactured for recycling
In collaboration with Poly Print we have developed a series of ground-breaking foils, which we use for our BKI coffee bags - without aluminium! Customized and designed to your needs.
After use, the bags can be converted into anything from garbage bags, fleece, barrels and buckets! To benefit you, your customers and the environment!
Facts about our coffee bags
- Our coffee bags are made from plastic manufactured for recycling and can be use for new plastic products
- We now use 15% less plastic per bag
- CO2 emissions are reduced by 20-23% depending on the type of bag
- Help us sort the bags as "soft plastic" for correct disposal
Project ParaÃso: A unique collaboration with local coffee farmers for a more sustainable coffee production
Since 2018 BKI has been collaborating with +140 coffee farmers from the Paraíso region in Brazil to promote more a sustainable coffee production.
A project that improves the livelihood of families, protects the environment and inspires coffee farmers of the future to produce more responsibly.
We have now launched BKI Paraíso Coffee to the Danish market, grown exclusively by the project's participating coffee farmers. A cup of single origin Brazilian coffee supporting the local farmers who grew the coffee themselves.
As a Sedex Member we are committed to uphold an ethical and sustainable supply chain
As a Sedex member BKI foods is committed to sourcing responsibly and having an ethical and sustainable supply chain.
Using Sedex tools and services helps our business work with our suppliers to ensure they are upholding safe, ethical and sustainable business practices, and helping us to protect the working conditions for people working in our supply chain.
BKI works with the UN Sustainable
Development Goals - from bean to cup!
In BKI we continually try to work in more sustainable ways, and we aim to act in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals wherever we can and have an influence throughout our value chain - from bean to cup.
We work on creating decent jobs and improving the well-being and health amongst our employees and the coffee farmers who supply us. Additionally, we continuously work to reduce our climate impact being creative about in our consumption and production.
Below are listed the five UN Sustainable Development Goals wich we work with in BKI.
Decent work and economic growth
- At BKI we carefully select our suppliers, and we have comprehensive requirements for both quality and ethics.
- All our suppliers are required to incorporate and sign our Supplier Code of Conduct which includes demands to adhere to international human rights and labor rights.
- We collaborate with our local partners on CSR projects for our coffee farmers. With the Project Paraíso in Brazil we take active responsibility and contribute to improving the livelihood of local coffee farmers through a more sustainable and responsible coffee production.
Clean energy and climate action
- We purchase wind power and as a result 100% of our electricity consumption in production and our head office is currently covered by Danish wind energy.
- The next step in our journey is solar panels with an ambition of covering 35% of BKI's electricity consumption by solar power.
- Through recycled heat and an energy-efficient roasting process we save up to 20% energy when roasting our coffee beans.
- We are continuously working to reduce climate-related risks through our CO2 reduction efforts.
Responsible consumption and production
- We reduce CO2 emissions, minimize packaging consumption and sort waste for recycling purposes.
- We have developed an environmentally friendly coffee bag made of recyclable plastic.
- Our wide range of certified products, such as organic, Fairtrade, and Rainforest Alliance, ensures better conditions and fair prices and wages for our coffee farmers.
- We use FSC-certified paper.
- In collaboration with coffee suppliers, we support more sustainable production patterns through local CSR projects, including our Project Paraíso in Brazil, where we take responsibility and contribute to improving the livelihood of local coffee farmers through more sustainable production.
Good health and well-being
- We work to reduce pollution through CO2 reduction, packaging minimization and waste sorting.
- We offer a wide range of certified and organic products that support environmental and individual health.
- We clean our facilities using certified and environmentally friendly cleaning products.
We set ambitious goals for reducing CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030.
In 2023 BKI has set an ambitious goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030 in collaboration with Science Based Targets initiative.
This means that we are making significant efforts to act sustainably and we are committing to contribute to the goal of the Paris Agreement to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C.
Specifically, BKI aims to reduce its CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and 2 by 42% by 2030, compared to the base year of 2021, in addition to a general reduction of CO2 emissions from Scope 3.
Focus areas for energy and environmental improvements in 2023
- Connection of solar panels in 2023 with an expected coverage of approximately 1/3 of our electricity consumption and a CO2 reduction of approximately 100 tons on electricity consumption anlone.
- Identifying energy-saving opportunities that will help BKI achieve the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030 (Scope 1 and 2) and a general reduction in CO2 emissions from Scope 3.
- Ongoing replacement of company cars with electric vehicles.
- Continuous energy monitoring for energy improvements, including cooling with external air and improving heating control in offices.
- Continuation of the replacement of conventional fixtures with intelligent fixtures.
- Transition of foils to recyclable foils.